
Sharp Skate 1 by HMS Enterprises

I have had this SharpSkate for a little over 2 years. It is the first revision of the Sharp Skate 1 Model. I have pushed this little fella quite a few miles. I have worn out a White Shapton 120 (not a stone I would recommend) and over half a dozen cheap coarse combination stones. It is great for establishing bevels, and is easy to work completely through all stones. I will try to get a video of it sometime in the future. The only downside I see is the way the wheels gouge tracks into course grinding stones. It would work better on course diamond stones. It is really nice for folks with arthritic hands like myself. I set it up using a referenced granite stone. It is pretty much designed to fit and work on Shapton stones. I have had no problem with my higher grit Professionals (1500, 5000, 8000) or the only Shapton Glass Stone I have a 600 grit. It does fairly well on Professional 120 grit, but it will cause the stone to wear very, very quick. The newer Sharp Skate 2 has a bevel setting gauge/guide. These guides really come to life when working on narrow chisels, and big paring slicks.

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